"Walking through the lobby of the Waldorf-Astoria with your fly undone is different. But it's not good." ~Legendary GM design chief Bill Mitchell

Friday, October 28, 2005

Party Like a Rockstar

T-3 hours till the party starts, and it's not stopping until Sunday morning! This evening shall begin with a pre-party at Christine's place. At 9pm a cab (completely necessary) will be transporting us to a Heaven/Hell party down in the fan. There is a parking lot between the two apartments that has been dubbed "Purgatory". I guess that's where the poor lost souls languish after being kicked off the dance floor in both Heaven AND Hell. I told you not to try any flashy moves. But hey, nobody said you can't hang out on the curb with a 40 in a brown paper-bag drinking with a plastic straw through a hole cut in the mouth of your Scream mask.

Upon crawling out of bed on Saturday I shall nurse my hangover with some Gatorade and, in the spirit of Halloween, Resident Evil 4. I also snagged a copy of 28 Days Later, in case I'm unable to lift a controller.

Later on that evening we'll be heading for another costume party at a coworker's house. Conversing through a mask with some folks we don't get to hang out with too often. If we get out of there sometime before the ass-crack of dawn, we have yet another costume party to head to! So much for doing anything constructive this weekend. I just hope my Grim Reaper outfit survives long enough for me to scare some little kids at the company Halloween party monday. My record last year was causing 5 children to cry, and 2 to wet themselves.


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