"Walking through the lobby of the Waldorf-Astoria with your fly undone is different. But it's not good." ~Legendary GM design chief Bill Mitchell

Wednesday, October 05, 2005


Why? Dear God why?? Why does every grocery store deli market, and every sandwich shop in America think they need to apply this foul condiment onto each sandwich that they make. It's not even a question any more. They feel like it is such a vital part to a sandwich that it doesn't even need to be listed among the ingredients. When you read the wrapper on a turkey and cheese sandwich it says, "turkey, cheese, lettuce." It's assumed that you know because this is a sandwich you are about to purchase, it contains mayonnaise by default. Who made up that stupid rule? Do they not make mustard packets? And ketchup packets? And relish, and pepper, and salt, and any number of other separate packages containing ways to douse your food in some flavor not even remotely related to the actual food that you are supposedly so excited to experience? Why then, don't they just have a packet of mayonnaise? As you walk out of the store with your newly acquired sandwich, you pass the condiment table and you pick up your packet of mayonnaise. It's not like someone is going to walk into the store about to buy a double-decker club and then realize, "wait, this place doesn't have mayonnaise pre-slathered onto the sandwiches! I have to reach down to the table next to the cash register to pick up a mayo packet and then apply it myself? What horse-shit is that??"

It's not a deal-breaker is all I'm trying to say here. However I don't know how many times I've looked at a deli-counter and said to myself, "Shit, I'm really hungry and I wouldn't mind paying 8 bucks for that chicken club. But they already put mayonnaise all over it. I guess I have to go somewhere else." I'm getting sick-and-fucking-tired of having to order the goddamn chicken fingers because everything else has been drenched in creamy lard!

So here's my suggestion to the sandwich manufacturers. Just make the damn things plain. Apply the meat and veggies to the bread. People are (supposedly) advanced creatures, they have opposable thumbs and free will. I think they'll put mayo on their sandwich themselves if it's that fucking crucial.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

SO, in reaction to your spiel about mayo...I thought it vital to inform you that YES indeed they do make those little packets of mayo. They can be found next to all the other mini-individual condiments...BUT I have two things to say about those....1) they are not refridgerated and for some reason that makes me very uncomfortable..(ever since the time I ate the leftover Subway sandwhich that sat in my car for 7 hours with plenty of mayonnaise-and I proceeded to vomit all night) and 2) you know the real reason they make those packets is so that all those people who make up the portion of America labeled "morbidly obese" won't have to bother asking for xtra mayo... they just grab a packet and squuze. But I have to also add that although I have recently decieded that mustard can be good with turkey....the reining condiment king of sandwhiches always has and still is... MAYONNAISE.

ps. What the hell is up with southerners and sweet tea?? (i guess ur somewhat of a southerner now) this debate has grown to some out of control proportions..... Just give me the can of mix...that is already sweetened.. thats all i ask

5:53 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm actually looking for a place to get those individual mayo and mustard packets to take on a very long road trip and ran across your site. I have to agree with you; just give us packets, and stop spoiling perfectly good food with unwanted condiments!
(Ketchup hater here.)

5:00 PM


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