"Walking through the lobby of the Waldorf-Astoria with your fly undone is different. But it's not good." ~Legendary GM design chief Bill Mitchell

Friday, March 24, 2006

HAHAHAHA, Arkansas...

It’s really tough to take a state seriously when you’re constantly bombarded with information like this.

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Spring Brew

I was out of beer last week so among other things at the beer store I picked up a six-pack of Dominion Spring Brew. It didn't look like anything fancy, thought it might be a good beer to have after work once in a while. What do I find after closer inspection? It's damn Imperial Pilsner and hits your liver with 7.5% ABV! No wonder I've been having trouble studying after downing one of these...

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Chuck Norris

Friday, March 10, 2006

No country boy

I've come to a realization. I don't hate country music, I hate the southern twang.

Case in point, Johnny Cash and Kenny Rogers. Both accomplished country musicians and I enjoy both of them. You know why? They both sound like they graduated from high school. I don't know if they did or not, but at least they sound like they did.

Dubai Ports

You know, it's not often that I agree with President Bush. Honestly I think his 37% approval rating is entirely justified. But I'm throwing my support behind him on this whole Dubai Ports fallout. I can understand people taking pause at the whole deal, and I can understand folks needing reassurance that there will not be a security threat by allowing an Arab nation to manage 6 of our largest commercial ports. But when that reassurance is given, we should accept that. When it's all boiled down it's just another foreign company. Why should it be alright for an English company to control these ports, but not an Arab one? The UAE has been our supporter an ally through this whole "revenge on the terrorists" thing. Our warships dock at their ports, and refuel with their supplies. Why wouldn't we do the same here? It sends a bad message to the world that the only legitimate reason our nation shot down this deal is because the company is question is run by the United Arab Emirates. It sure says a lot about a nation when they will back a president through every blunder in the book, but they shoot him down when he finally tries to view the world through open eyes.

Good day for a beer

Today was a fairly laid back friday. A long lunch at Carytown Burgers. A warm sunny day (I think it hit 80). And now the week is over. This may be the perfect day to crack open that 120 Minute IPA. Thanks again Ed.

The windows are thrown open, the sun is going down, it's time to play some Halo.

Wednesday, March 08, 2006


If only this were for sale. Common IBM, finish this up so I can buy one!

Monday, March 06, 2006

Health Concerns

I’m falling apart I think. I’ve got a cracked tooth that I’ve been ignoring for a while now, but it’s starting to become a bother so I’m gonna get it looked at. Plus my back has been sore lately. I thought that was from sleeping with too many pillows on the bed. But now I’m starting to think that it’s from sitting on the hassock playing xbox for too long. Anyone know of a gaming chair that offers good back support??

Lastly there’s been this cold I’ve been nursing since last Thursday. Some people fight colds with chicken soup, others use Nyquil. I’m old-fashioned; I like to fight my colds with snake-oil and a shot of whiskey.

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Soybean Sports Car

A sports car that can run 0 to 60 in 4 seconds, but still gets 50 miles to the gallon on soybean bio-diesel, that’s a breakthrough in automobiles. Where do I sign up?? And it was built not by a car company but by 5 high school kids! I sure wish I could have read something about the freaking car, and not just how the kids that built it were drop outs and gang members! They didn’t have a single sentence in that article related to the car that wasn’t already said in the damn title. They didn’t even include a full picture of the car, just part of the hood and windshield. I can’t even figure if it was based on an existing car or built on a tube-frame chassis from that article. Stupid “human interest” stories…

Edit: Looks like I spoke too soon! Trust a local newspaper to get down to the technical aspects of a story when the national news outlets feed you a bunch of bleeding-heart crap. The car was based on a heavily modified Attack K-1 kit that incorporated a 200hp electric motor out front and a 150hp Volkswagen diesel engine in the back. Off the shelf parts all, but still pretty trick.

And don't forget to check out this slick flash presentation of the car.