"Walking through the lobby of the Waldorf-Astoria with your fly undone is different. But it's not good." ~Legendary GM design chief Bill Mitchell

Friday, January 27, 2006

The gift of beer

The south, Richmond in particular, has some odd traditions. Saying you're going to show up for a party and then just not going, and thinking nothing of ditching everyone, that's kind of annoying. At least when I do that I feel bad about it. I shouldn't worry because it's kinda common practice around here. But I'm actually not ranting about the bad traditions, I'm going to talk about a good tradition. One I'm enjoying right now.

It's customary in Richmond to bring a "host gift" when you attend a party. I did not know that. Last fall we had a wine party and invited a lot of people. The idea, as I'm sure you could have guessed, is that everyone bring a bottle or two of wine and some food, and we all get drunk. Everyone had a good handle on that. But to my surprise, two people brought beer. They brought it for me! And not just any beer, there was a 12ozer of Dogfish Head 120 Minute IPA, and a 750 of Delirium Noel. Both rather rare, and extremely potent beers. And all because I opened my apartment for a party.

I'm enjoying the Delirium right now actually. This is without a doubt, a sippin' beer. You do not swill this, it will haul back and cuff you. You are polite to Delirium Noel and you drink it from the proper glassware. Any tulip glass will work, it just happens that I have 3 Delirium Tremens tulip glasses, complete with pink elephants painted on the glass and an elephant etched into the bottom of the bowl. Not to brag or anything.

But it's gonna take me a while to get through this bottle. It's a big beer. So allow me to say thank you to John for the Delirium, and to Ed for the 120


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