"Walking through the lobby of the Waldorf-Astoria with your fly undone is different. But it's not good." ~Legendary GM design chief Bill Mitchell

Wednesday, December 28, 2005

I gots me a Palm

I have achieved wireless connectivity at last. Amongst other glorious and flashy gifts, Kelly got me a Palm TX for Christmas. The only downside is that my office network security is more robust than that encircling the US gold reserve at Fort Knox. Consequently I am unable to access anything wirelessly while I'm at work. And of course, I'm not allowed to set up a VPN to link to my company's email server when I'm out of the office. (That would be a breach of security.) Pretty much negates the use of my Palm for work email completely. Oh well, I can still use my personal email wherever I can find an open wireless network. Now for the big question, does one amongst you know of a free instant messenger client? For some reason AOL thinks that just because you want to be mobile, you should start paying $20 for something that has always been free. (I fucking hate AOL.) Everything I've found that claims to be free is in reality cripple-ware, lasting only a month before picking up its ball and going home. So give me a heads up people, I'm gonna need IM while I'm cooling my heels in Starbucks.


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