"Walking through the lobby of the Waldorf-Astoria with your fly undone is different. But it's not good." ~Legendary GM design chief Bill Mitchell

Friday, March 10, 2006

Dubai Ports

You know, it's not often that I agree with President Bush. Honestly I think his 37% approval rating is entirely justified. But I'm throwing my support behind him on this whole Dubai Ports fallout. I can understand people taking pause at the whole deal, and I can understand folks needing reassurance that there will not be a security threat by allowing an Arab nation to manage 6 of our largest commercial ports. But when that reassurance is given, we should accept that. When it's all boiled down it's just another foreign company. Why should it be alright for an English company to control these ports, but not an Arab one? The UAE has been our supporter an ally through this whole "revenge on the terrorists" thing. Our warships dock at their ports, and refuel with their supplies. Why wouldn't we do the same here? It sends a bad message to the world that the only legitimate reason our nation shot down this deal is because the company is question is run by the United Arab Emirates. It sure says a lot about a nation when they will back a president through every blunder in the book, but they shoot him down when he finally tries to view the world through open eyes.


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