Quote of the night
"This is the south. It's fucked up here."
"Walking through the lobby of the Waldorf-Astoria with your fly undone is different. But it's not good." ~Legendary GM design chief Bill Mitchell
Hahahahaha, Kirby...
Please recall this post concerning Pyramid Schemes. Do you sense a reoccurring theme within my blog now? It’s almost as if I have a personal vendetta against these people, a crusade of sorts. Anyway, near the tale end of that post I told the story of a girl that alienated her friends trying to get them into her scam. After my last post I did a little more digging (I asked my wife), and come to find out the scam that girl was associated with was in fact the same Quixtar that I posted about last Friday. It’s funny how all the garbage starts to land right in your own back yard.
You may or may not have heard of about a little company called Quixtar. I’m sure you’re familiar with Amway, same people. Well Dateline did a nice bit of investigative journalism exposing Quixtar for what it really is. Three people died to get us this information. I think you owe it to their memories to read this story.