"Walking through the lobby of the Waldorf-Astoria with your fly undone is different. But it's not good." ~Legendary GM design chief Bill Mitchell

Wednesday, December 28, 2005

I gots me a Palm

I have achieved wireless connectivity at last. Amongst other glorious and flashy gifts, Kelly got me a Palm TX for Christmas. The only downside is that my office network security is more robust than that encircling the US gold reserve at Fort Knox. Consequently I am unable to access anything wirelessly while I'm at work. And of course, I'm not allowed to set up a VPN to link to my company's email server when I'm out of the office. (That would be a breach of security.) Pretty much negates the use of my Palm for work email completely. Oh well, I can still use my personal email wherever I can find an open wireless network. Now for the big question, does one amongst you know of a free instant messenger client? For some reason AOL thinks that just because you want to be mobile, you should start paying $20 for something that has always been free. (I fucking hate AOL.) Everything I've found that claims to be free is in reality cripple-ware, lasting only a month before picking up its ball and going home. So give me a heads up people, I'm gonna need IM while I'm cooling my heels in Starbucks.

Thursday, December 22, 2005

Pyramid Schemes / Cults

Allow me to first disseminate some excellent information that may well change your life.

Now that you are all equipped to tell the horrible truth from the fantasy-land fiction, let me tell you that there are a lot of people in this world that just aren't as intelligent as you or I. When Kelly and I first moved to Richmond we weren't working so we spent a lot of time out on the town getting to know the area. Waiting for a table at the OG, we were approached by a young couple who were also waiting to be seated. They were friendly so we chatted for a while. The gentleman asked if we'd like to join them and some business partners for a happy hour in a couple nights. Not having anything better to do, we said sure. The next day I called to confirm the plans and was told that it would be a little more than just a happy hour and I should check out his business' website. This is where any reasonably intelligent person becomes suspicious. Upon investigating the alleged "business website" it was plainly obvious that this so called "eCommerce" was nothing more than an internet based pyramid scam. I called the gentleman back and told him we weren't interested, then bid him good day. A shame too, they seemed like such a nice couple.

Two months later, after securing the fine job I now enjoy, I was perusing some publications at Barnes & Noble. I was approached by a fella who wanted to talk books with me. Eventually he asked me what I do for work. Rather odd, but I was reasonably sure he wasn't hitting on me so I told him I am an engineer. He used to be in engineering too he said, but now he runs his own business. Cool, I reply, what's your business? His business was eCommerce. I told him my firm is hiring if he ever wants to get back into engineering. Then I bid him good day.

A year or so goes by with nary a whisper of entrepreneurial scam artistry. We are visiting friends who are having a small get-together. Another couple who are attending the event are chatting with us about this and that, and its all very pleasant. At some point the female informs us that things are really going well for her lately. She's started a home business where she gets paid just for shopping online. Apparently this turn of events has changed her life. Her boyfriend elaborated and explained how he had been unhappy at college and quit to enter into this business with his girl. And it changed his life. They went on at length explaining how it all worked, how easy it all was, and how they had just come back from a seminar with "the multi-millionaires" that had started this business. They had all been told that soon they would be "multi-millionaires" too. They even took a stab at getting my wife and I to leave our lucrative jobs and come drink the magic cool-aid with them so we'd be ready when the aliens, I mean "multi-millionaires", arrive.

Admittedly I don't examine myself in the mirror that often, but when you look at me do I appear to be both destitute and fucking retarded? Where do these people come from and why to they think I want to throw my life away to go charging along with them into a life of bankruptcy and denied credit card applications? I spent a few brief moments contemplating the series of poor decisions that must have occurred in each of these people's lives that brought them to this point. The homeless man begging for change on the street corner still has some dignity. He has no place to sleep and depends on the money of others to feed himself. But at least he's not trying to drag the rest of us down with him.

Scammers are under the assumption that each and every one of us is as stupid as they are. Prove them wrong. If you think you know of a pyramid scam, and especially if someone has tried to recruit you into one, gather as much information as you can and notify the Federal Trade Commission here. Happy hunting.

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Cheaping Out

I was a little excited over the fact that the free 6 year old windows box I picked up is actually a little newer and more powerful than my 7 year old Blue & White G3. I can play my downloaded copy of FFVII: Advent Children without dropping any frames. But come on, I can't even play Halo Zero on it. I'm back to feeling deprived again. My computers may be old and obsolete, but at least I'm not still carting around a couple of circa 1989 dinosaurs. They were kinda cool though.

Wednesday, December 07, 2005


This site is offensive as all hell. But damn if a lot of it isn't funny!


I’ve got my “go-bag” ready. Do you?

Small Block Solstice

I knew it wouldn’t be long before someone took the step that GM should have been planning all along. It’s not even that big of a leap really. This article explains why pretty well.

Would it be that hard for me to scrape together 20 grand? Hell my WRX cost that much and it sure doesn’t have 400hp and a drop top! I think I’ll wait for them to offer the Saturn Sky conversion. The Solstice is attractive and all, but the Sky is shit-hot.

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

White December

Yesterday marked the first snowfall of the year in Richmond. I may have remarked on this phenomenon before. I know others have covered it to death, oh well. Here's one more lighter raised at a Scorpions concert.

Southerners don't know what snow is. They really have no clue. They live in a perpetual tropical state that has only an occasional brush with the freezing point of water. Don't get me wrong. They know bad weather. Richmond practically floated down the river and out to sea last year. Then there was that hurricane that hit the year before. And the southerners handled themselves admirably in those situations. But I think when the temperature drops and somebody whispers the word "snow," they just lose it. I think the best way of explaining this phenomenon I've ever seen can be found here. A comic for every occasion is what I say.

It's true though. The road doesn't even have to have any snow on it. If the weather guy, that damn short sighted weather guy, even mentions snow the local counties all cancel schools as a kind of pre-emptive wuss-out. Then it starts to rain. No snow yet, it's still 40 degrees out. But there's precipitation falling out of the sky. Suddenly everyone is going 10mph under the speed limit. If it was raining during a goddamn hurricane they would still be doing 80. But since there might be some snow at 3am that morning, everyone is going 45 on the highway.

In BOTH lanes.

I have to live with this kind of idiocy, but I don't have to like it. After the storm was over, I awoke this morning to find Mayland Drive slushy and mostly frozen. Far from being intimidated by this and driving like a 93 year old man, I gassed it in first, hung the back end out sideways, gave it a little opposite lock, and took off down the deserted 4 lane highway that makes up my street in a glorious 4 wheel drift. Now that's driving according to the conditions bi-atch.