"Walking through the lobby of the Waldorf-Astoria with your fly undone is different. But it's not good." ~Legendary GM design chief Bill Mitchell

Tuesday, August 22, 2006


The Season of Giving

I heard this morning that Warren Buffett is making another donation to charity.  You probably remember him from the headlines not too long ago when he gave 37 BILLION DOLLARS to the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, a rather heady sum.  Well he’s out to donate more, but since he already gave away all his money he’s now going to auction off his mint condition 2001 Lincoln Town Car!  The opening bid is set at $25,000.  Or roughly twice the blue book value for the car <snicker>.  He’ll probably get it, the guy once auctioned off a wallet for over $200K and this is for a good charity.  But common, a Lincoln Town Car?  What was he doing with that piece of shit in the first place?  It’s basically a gussied up Ford Crown Vic, and the only people buying those are police officers and people so old they probably shouldn’t be driving in the first place.  Ford is doing the right thing and finally euthanizing that dilapidated chassis in 2010 (not soon enough).  You’d think Warren could have found something a little nicer to auction off that that.

Monday, August 21, 2006

I'll play your game you Rogue!

Another thanks go out to Chris for this one.

Complaining about Webcomics

Adam Byrne really does draw the slowest webcomic in existance. It's been 8 months since the last installment. If it didn't show so much promise (and the main character didn't remind me of Jerome [I've no idea why]) I'd just clear it off my links column and be done with it. I think he should hurry up because even VG Cats has a new comic at least every 2 weeks. You heard me Scott, updated Mondays my ass.

Dux0r is teh H4x0r

I only wish I was this geeky. Thanks Chris.


It's been a long time since I've done a beer review. Mostly because I've stocked my beer fridge with mainly Magic Hat and Sierra Nevada 12-packs. No longer living on the same side of town as Wine & Beer has limited my selection to only that found at Kroger (it's kinda like Shaws). They have a decent selection for a grocery store (they stock Arrogant Bastard) but I'm still pretty sure most of you have had everything they stock. Well tonight I am drinking one of the more robust offerings. A 750 of Cuvee Diabolique, imported from Belgium. For some reason it was routed through Seattle. I would have thought they could have saved on shipping costs by importing it through New York. Anyway, on to the review. Please keep in mind that I only have 2 swallows of the bottle left so I may not give the most accurate account of the beer. The smell is typical Belgian Ale, similar to Duvel. The final pour is a cloudy yellow. Very flavorful, but again typical Belgian. 8.5% alcohol so at this time, typing requires concentration. And I still get some words wrong. That's really all the analysis I can manage at the moment. There is really nothing unusual about this beer. But since Belgian Ales are really my favorite style I rate it highly and much prefer it to many of the beers that currently inhabit my beer fridge. Yes I said it again, I have a beer fridge. It's an entire fridge dedicated to nothing but beer (the freezer is stocked with meat).

Edit: I forgot to mention, this beverage was drunk from one of my Delirium Tremens tulip glasses. Pink elephants and all!

Friday, August 18, 2006

It's a bird, it's a plane!

If you’re a would-be kidnapper in the Philippines you’ve got more than just the police (and the military) after you. Watch out evil-doers it’s…. Stifler’s Mom?

(Thanks for the link Chris!)

Saturday, August 05, 2006

Where do the internets come from?

So Mister Poops has lost his internet according to Jerome. And will not be joining us to play Halo for a while. I don't know why he's having trouble finding it, it comes out of that little hole in the wall doesn't it? Isn't that where it's connected to a series of tubes?

Suburban Thug

I felt the need to link to a truly fantastic Penny-Arcade comic. You all know this guy. You may know him by different names, but you've all met him. (Anyone remember Thad from Saco? I don't remember his last name and I'm not digging out my damn yearbook to find it.) "I'm Malibu's most wanted, Bitch!"

Still playing Halo

I'm still waiting for Bert and Homer to pony up a little cash for Xbox Live. In the mean time Puffy and I have been doing our damn best to represent Orono online when Jerome and his crew aren't available to round out our team. I would just like to point out my absolutely stonking performance here, here and here. Where even if we lost I still racked up a monster score. Sorry to brag, I just can't help myself today. But yeah, the name of the game seems to be having a full team of at least four that you can depend on. I don't know how many times Puffy and I were left high and dry when our teammates just quit, or decided that running out into the middle of the field was a better idea than defending the GODDAMN FLAG. But I digress. I miss the days when we could gather a group large enough to populate a BTB all on our own. Today it's tough to get more than 2 people at a time together. It's still a fun game, where has all the interest gone?