Ups and Downs
The last week or so has been extremely busy at work. Me being lead designer for site design on a 43 million dollar project and my boss being out of town at a training thing for the week will do that. The meeting I was preparing for went great, preparation really does help. And I was able to leave work at 2:30 on friday and still have 15 hours of overtime for the week. All in all, rather successful.
Unfortunately my lack of sleep for the week caught up with me last night and as my wife and friends hung out trying to polish off the keg from our last party, I fell asleep on the recliner and basically looked like a goon. I'll admit, I was damn tired. But it's saturday, I got to sleep in right? Hells no. I wake up to the sound of claws on carpet. I don't know how long she had been at it, but the damn cat had decimated the carpet in front of our bedroom. New apartment, new carpet, good-bye deposit.
That brings me to now. What the hell do I do today? Buy a new scratching box for the cat for starters. Then I have to start making up for lost time. Last night was a good opportunity for fun and I missed it. Well tonight I'm on a mission.
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