"Walking through the lobby of the Waldorf-Astoria with your fly undone is different. But it's not good." ~Legendary GM design chief Bill Mitchell

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Demon Duck of Doom

This really isn’t what you think, and only mildly interesting.  But I like the name.

Saturday, July 08, 2006

Long time, no post

So it's been about a month since I last posted on here. And I suppose my last few posts have sorta been copouts so maybe those don't even count. The last post that had anything to do with my was in April! Let's have a major personal life recap here. The motorcycle is gone, sorta. I tried to move it down to the new house after we moved in, but when I went to load it into my buddy's truck I found 2 things. One, there was an ant colony living somewhere in the bike. I don't know how, or why, but there was a large column of ants traveling up and down the rear of the bike and moving up into the engine. The second thing I found was that the brakes/bearings/SOMETHING had locked up and we were now unable to push the bike up into the back of the truck. I left it there. I don't think I'm going back for it. It hasn't been driven in over 5 years and I've never registered it. As far as anyone is concerned, I don't own a motorcycle. I do however own a refurbished motorcycle gas tank with all the appropriate attachments. $150 if anyone wants to buy it.

Different topic, the weekend before we moved I got really sick. So sick in fact that I had to miss fencing because I didn't want to infect anyone. Then the next weekend we moved into the house and I didn't have time to go to fencing. Adding to that, the new house is on completely the other side of the city from the fencing club and would cost me $2.50 in tolls round trip. I hate tolls. So I've effectively dropped out of fencing for the time being. I'd like to go back, but for now the house has me occupied. I've also had to take a brief hiatus from my weekly mountainbiking. Again, just been too busy with house stuff.

I've finally installed cable in the media room. I'm pretty proud of the install. It's all professional and shit. My next major home upgrade will be taking the condensate pipe from the central-air system underground through the backyard and out to a drainage ditch in the woods. I'm thinking I'll give that a shot today because right now it's just dripping onto the lawn and killing the grass. The joy of home ownership.