"Walking through the lobby of the Waldorf-Astoria with your fly undone is different. But it's not good." ~Legendary GM design chief Bill Mitchell

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Leaning Over

A lot of people have been asking me how my progress on the motorcycle is going. The restoration of the 21 year old Suzuki is on hold until we move into the house and I have a garage to work in. And I don't have a free weekend to take the local Learn To Ride class until later in the summer. But I have been practicing on my own as you can see below. Once that bike is finished I'll be ready!

Thursday, April 20, 2006

Bad Professor, No Biscuit

People certainly can be overly sensitive at times can’t they?

Friday, April 14, 2006

Rock out with my Bass out

I finally bought a new bass rig. Check out this shizzle.
Ampeg SVT-350 (solid state) sitting on a ported cab housing a Peavey 15" Black Widow speaker. Now I just need to remember how to play.

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Party Political

You may have noticed that I pulled my last post. Lately I have turned to digg.com as a way to get mostly tech based news with a few interesting side articles from time to time. Articles are submitted by regular people though, so it is fallible. The article that inspired my now deleted post slipped in there mainly because it made bold accusations that were intended to incense the reader. So much so that the poster ignored that digg is for TECH news, and posted a political piece anyway. It sure got me riled up. It also scored about 1500 diggs in the space of time it usually takes an article to score about 100, so at least I wasn't the only one. The link was later pulled because it came to light that the article contained items that were just not true. I'm a little embarassed that I spread that article around as much as I did. But hey, at least I didn't fall for the one about the Golden Retriever puppies in California.

A lot of my posts have been political lately. With the addition of that last post they have taken a decidedly leftward lean. I've always felt more closely connected with the liberal viewpoint. Not on everything mind you. I'm a big believer in gun control being a steady hand. And I really do believe we should build some kind of barrier between ourselves and Mexico. What does it really say about a nation if we can't even secure our own borders?

But 9 times out of 10, I don't agree with our President (I did side with him on the Dubai Ports thing). And I don't believe anyone's moral or religious beliefs should regulate what is taught in schools, or which medicines are researched. Religion should be taught in church, and morality should be taught at home. The rest of the chips can fall where they may.

Thursday, April 06, 2006

I jinxed it

Mother. Fucker.

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

All hail the Chief

Way to help out the little guys Bush. I’m sure giving massive tax breaks to the top 2% of tax payers is really going to help us pay down this BALLOONING national deficit of ours. Enough with the fucking tax cuts already! The majority of Americans aren’t seeing a dime of this money and frankly this country can’t afford to be giving handouts to the ultra-rich. We already owe our two firstborn children to the Chinese, and Japan absolutely has our balls in a vice.

“Since 2000, the national debt has risen by an astonishing 48 percent, while the amount of U.S. public debt held by foreigners has climbed by an even more astonishing 100 percent. The amount of U.S. debt that is held by China alone has gone from $60 billion to over $262 billion. American debt held by Japan has grown from $317 billion in 2000 to over $668 billion today.”

It might surprise you to learn that many foreign countries no longer need to have the US indebted to them. I’m sure that fact would surprise our President. What do you suppose will happen when all our creditors decide they want us to pay up?

Dual Booting a Mac

Ever since Apple switched from the Power PC processor to an Intel chip, running windows on your Mac has been some kind of forbidden fruit. It boots easily now, but it always seemed like you were breaking some kind of law (I’m looking at you Campah). The first person to boot XP onto the new Mac actually won some kind of hacker contest. Well Apple has deemed the forbidden acceptable. Nay, they have endorsed it! From the very hands of Steve Jobs comes the slickest way to run Windows on a Mac ever. And it runs completely natively.